Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Roman Geography

      The Roman Empire's size at its height will leave your mouth hanging ( a map of the Roman Empire at its height). Yeah, yeah, i know that it did not astound you that much that it left your mouth hanging, but the Roman Empire was pretty big at its height. The Empire stretched from present day Spain to a little part of Western Asia. It was that big.

      However, there were things inside of the Roman borders that threatened territorial cohesion, or a region that would not agree to something. Here are two things that threatened territorial cohesion. One, a lot of Germanic tribes tried to invade the Roman villages and land. Invasions disrupted the Roman's peaces. Which would then lead to grumpy people, and grumpy people led to more grumpy people; and that would lead to arguments. Another thing that threatened territorial cohesion was the inflation that was going on. The inflation led to stealing, stealing led to arguments, and arguments turned into fights (well, usually. They do for me.).


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